Tartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA Funktsionaalsete materjalide ja tehnoloogiate doktorikool (FMTDK) Dr. Olivier Louis Henri CROSNIER, Institute of Material Science, University of Nantes, France FMTDK loeng-seminar “Revisiting old structure for new generation of high power batteries: The case of niobium oxides” 16.06.2022 kell 14.15 Tartu Ülikool, keemia instituut , Ravila 14a, Tartu CHEMICUM …
Igakuine Arhiiv: juuni 2022
juuni 10
GSFMT guest lectures
Dear Colleagues, You are welcome to attend GSFMT guest lectures: 1) Prof Vilma Kaskoniene, Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lithuania, “Bee products for food and human health” Date: 14.06.2022 Time: 10:00 Teams: Click here to join the meeting 2) Prof. Andrei Malkov, Loughborough University, United Kingdom „Electrochemical Synthesis: From Hydrocarboxylation of Alkenes to …