Programm 2023

                        University of Tartu, ASTRA project PER ASPERA (code 2014-2020.4.01.16-0027)


                                                       SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2023



DAY 1; May 23,2023

Chairman 9:30-10:25 Registration + coffee
10:25-10:30 Opening Opening words by prof Enn Lust (head of the council of GSFMT)

Enn Lust


10:30-10:50 Kaarel Kisand, Ave Sarapuu, John C.Douglin, Arvo Kikas, Alexey Treshchalov, Maike Käärik, Helle-Mai Piirsoo,Päärn Paiste, Jaan Aruväli, Vambola Kisand, Jaan Leis, Aile Tamm, Dario R. Dekel, Kaido Tammeveski ”Templated transition metal-doped mesoporous nanocarbon catalyst for anion-exchange membrane fuel cell application”, University of Tartu.
10:50-11:10 Gulnara Yusibova, Nadezda Kongi Dual metal Mn/Co-MOF based, high-performance bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst”, University of Tartu.
11:10-11:30 Huy Qui Vinh Nguyen, Jaak Nerut, Heili Kasuk, Thomas Thomberg, Meelis Härmas, Riinu Härmas, Miriam Koppel, Patrick Teppor, Marian Külaviir, Jaan Aruväli, Olga Volobujeva, Enn Lust A journey for the development of a highly active PtCe-C(Cr3C2) catalyst: material selections, synthesis optimization and electrical measurements for methanol oxidation and oxygen reduction”, University of Tartu.
11:30-11:50 Heigo Ers, Liis Siinor, Vladislav Ivaništšev, Enn Lust, Piret Pikma, “Investigating the model electrode | IL electrolyte interface” University of Tartu.
11:50-12:10 Reio Praats, Kerli Liivand, Alexander Chernyaev, Jani Sainio, Mari Lundström, Ivar Kruusenberg “Supporting critical raw material circularity-graphite from waste LIBs to Zn-air batteries”, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics.
12:10-12:30 Erkin Najafli, Sander Ratso, Yurii P. Ivanov, “Sustainable CO2-derived nanoscale carbon support to a platinum catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction”, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics.
12:30-13:30 LUNCH


Enn Lust,

Toomas Plank


13:30-13:50 Elizaveta Shmagina, Valdek Mikli, Sergei Bereznev, Novel SiOxN3 composite thin films with aligned carbon nanotubes network”, Tallinn University of Technology.


13:50-14:10 Siim Tõkke, Tõnu Laas, Comparrison of damages on WHP (HPM and W-HEA) samples after pulsed deuterium plasma irradiation”, Tallinn University.
14:10-14:30 Tanzeeha Jafari, Anna Shugai, Urmas Nagel, Toomas Rõõm, George Razvan Bacanu, Mark Walkey, Gabriela Hoffman, Richard J.Whitby, Malcolm H.Levitt Nobel gas atom as a quantum oscillator in the fullerene C60: THz study ”, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics.
14:30-14:50 Robert Krautmann, Nicolae Spalatu, Ilona Oja Acik “Development of Sb2Se3 and Sb2S3 solar cells by close-spaced sublimation, Tallinn University of Technology.
14:50-15:10 Mari-Liis Brük, Marco Šakarašvili, Tatsiana Jarg, Alice Trotin, Dzmitry Kananovich, Riina Aav, Photocatalytic sulphide oxidation with porphyrin derivates”, Tallinn University of Technology.
15:10-15:30 Dmytro Danilian, Arvo Kikas, Angela Ivask, Vambola Kisand, Rainer Pärna,”Investigation of CuxFe2-xO3/TiO2 photocatalyst for water treatment” ,University of Tartu.





Please hang up your poster (max size A0) at conference day 1, according to your poster number (PX) and remove at conference day 2 (after the poster session at 13:20).

16:00-17:20 Poster presentations +max 3 min oral presentations (may include 1-2 PowerPoint slides) and after the session be available for discussions by your poster.

16:45-18:30 Poster presentations & Discussions




Conference dinner


Meeting of GSFMT council.



3 min talk

+2 min

Questions =

5 min

Poster presentations + 3 min oral presentations
ROOM 1,Sweden ROOM 2, Finland
Chairman: Piret Pikma, Tõnu Laas Chairman: Heiki Erikson, Kerli Liivand
16:00-16:05 P1 Cansu Özcan Kilcan, Alan H. Tkaczyk, Comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of a novel cement based on bauxite residue (BR)”, University of Tartu. P15 Mait Ainsar, Kuno Kooser, Margus Kodu, Tavo Romann, Gunnar Nurk, ”Development of La0.31Sr0.58 Ti0.97Ni0.03O3-δ thin films soft model electrodes”, University of Tartu.
16:05-16:10 P2 Marta-Lisette Pikma, Märt Lõkov, Sofia Tshepelevich, Jaan Saame, Tõiv Haljasorg, Lauri Toom, Sigrid Selberg, Ivo Leito, Agnes Kütt,”New organophosphorus bases from old phosphane”, University of Tartu. P16 Martin Lind, Valter Kiisk, Margus Kodu, Tea Avarmaa, Tauno Kahro, Raivo Jaaniso “Detection of two reducing gases (NH3 and H2S) in 0-16 ppm range with graphene-based gas sensors”, University of Tartu.
16:10-16:15 P3 Laura Kalder, Meelis Härmas, Jaan Aruväli, Enn Lust, Eneli Härk, From layerd structure to porosity-activated hard carbon for sodium-ion batteries”, University of Tartu. P17 Helle-Mai Piirsoo, Taivo Jõgiaas, Zahra Jahanshah Rad, Mikko Miettinen, Pekka Laukkanen, Kaupo Kukli, Aile Tamm “Mechanical behaviour of annealing-iduced blistering of atomic layer deposited alumina-tantala thin films”, University of Tartu.
16:15-16:20 P4 Joonas Merisalu, Jaan Aarik, Aile Tamm, Kaupo Kukli Resistive switching in memristor structures with multilayer dielectrics”, University of Tartu. P18 Sajeesh Vadakkedath Gopi, Nicolae Spalatu, Madhawa Basnayaka, Robert Krautmann, Atanas Katersky, Raavo Josepson, Raitis Grzibvskis, Aivars Vembris, Malle Krunks, Ilona Oja Acik ”Post deposition annealing effect of properties of CdS films and its impact on CdS/Sb2Se3 solar cell performance”, Tallinn University of Tecnology.


16:20-16:25 P5 Mahtab Salari Mehr, Lauri Aarik, Taivo Jõgiaas, Hugo Mändar, “Atomic layer deposition of the CrxAlyO films, University of Tartu.


P19 Jallouli Necib, Rocio Estefania Rojas-Hernandez, Fernando Rubio-Marcos, Irina Hussainova, Jose Francisco Fernandez, Eduard Feldbach, Zinc silicate based materials:designing synthesis and understanding properties”, Tallinn University of Technology.


P6 Paniz Vafaei, Margus Kodu, Olga Casals,Daniel Pradas, Raivo Jaaniso, “Graphene/TiO2 nanostructures integrated with micro-light- plates for NO2 detection ”, University of Tartu. P20 Laur Kristjan Salvan, Enn Lust, Gunnar Nurk, Priit Möller,” Development of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-б based solid oxide electrolysis cells”, University of Tartu.





P7 Bijan Barghi, Tanel Mõistik, Anastassia Raag, Allan Niidu, “Kinetic study desulfurization over a metal organic framework based on complex reaction theory,” Tallinn University  of Tecnology.


P21 Nguyen Kim Ngan Bui, Sigrid Selberg, Koit Herodes, Ivo Leito, ”Coumarin-based derivatization reagent for the LC-MS analysis of amino acids”, University of Tartu.




P8 Sibel Yöyler, Andrei Surzhenkov, Mart Viljus, Rainer Traksmaa, Kristjan Juhani  “Application of taguchimethod for in –situ synthesis of TiC from TiO2-graphite powers in PTAW hardfacings and characterization thereof ”, Tallinn University of Technology. P22 Nutan Savale, Elvira Tarasova, Illia Krasnou, Marina Kudryashova, Vitalijs Rjabovs, Indrek Reile, Andres Krumme, ”Synthesis of thermoplastic cellulose ester derivatives in noval ionic liquid”, Tallinn University of Technology.
16:40-16:45 P9 Arash Kariminejad, Maksim Antonov, Irina Hussainova, Dmitri Goljandin, Rahul Kumar, Pjotor Klimczyk, Recycled WC powder for manufacturing of duplex interpenetrating tool materials for dry machining”, Tallinn University of Technology. P23 Karl-Ander Kasuk, Jaak Nerut,Vitali Grozovski, Enn Lust, “The choice between the RDE and MEA: gas diffusion methods”, University of Tartu.
16:45-16:50 P10 Dmitri Nikitin, Balpreet Kaur, Sergei Preis, Niina Dulova, “Degradation of antibiotic vancomycin by UV photolysis and pulsed corona discharge combined with extrinsic oxidants ”, Tallinn University of Technology. P24 Marc Dolcet Sadurni, Kristi Timmo, Valdek Mikli, Olga Volobujeva, Jüri Krustok, Maarja Grossberg-Kuusik, Marit Kauk-Kuusik, ”Preparation and characterization of SbSeI thin films”, Tallinn University of Technology.
16:50-16:55 P11 Kristel Möls, Hugo Mändar, Taivo Jõgiaas, Jaan Aarik, ”Influence of TiO2-II on hardness of titanium dioxide thin films,University of Tartu. P26 Vu Bao Chau Nguyen, Jekaterina Reut, Vitali Syritski, ”Molecularly imprinted polymer-based electrochemical sensor for detection of azoxystrobin in aqueous media”, Tallinn University of Technology.
16:55-17:00 P12 Muhammad Usma Jamal, Vitalli Nagirnyi, Dmitry Spassky, “Luminescence properties of K5Eu(MoO4)4 ”, University of Tartu. P26 Lenart Kivistik, Martin Eerme, Jüri Majak, Maarjus Kirs, ”Numeral analysis of dynamics of flight of the fragments”, Tallinn University of Technology .
17:00-17:05 P13 Sanu Bifal Maji, Alexander Vanetsev, Vitali Nagirnyi, Kirill Chernenko, Eduard Feldbach, Hugo Mändar, Marco Kirm, ”Influence of crystallite size and morphology on luminescence properties of solvothermally synthesized LuPO4:Pr3+ nanocrystals”, University of Tartu P27 Nimish Juneja, Sarune Daskeviciute-Greguzuene, Ilona Oja Acik, Nicolae Spalatu, Malle Krunks, Semi-transparent Sb2S3 solar cell with fluorine-based enamine as hole transport materials”, Tallinn University of Technology.
17:05-17:10 P14 Andreas Nõlvak, Laura Elise Arvisto, Gunnar Nurk, Alexander Vanetsev, Glen Kelp, Tanel Tätte, ”Microscale tubular electrolytes for high temperature fuel cell applications”, University of Tartu.




P28 Ernest Michael Priidik Gallagher, ”Insights from a pregeometric perspective of gauge theory”, University of Tartu.


P29 Mykhailo Koltsov, Nicolae Spalotu, Deposition of Bi2S3-Sb2S thin films via closed-spaced sublimation”, Tallinn University of Technology.
P30 Katriin Kristmann, Taavi Raadik, Mare Altosaar, Valdek Mikli, ”FeS2 pyrite solar cell absorber synthesis and characterization”, Tallinn University of Technology.
P31 Larissa Silva Maciel, Arianna Marengo, Koit Herodes, ”Amino compounds content variation in plants of the cradueae species from Sardinia and Corse”, University of Tartu.
P32 Silver Juvanen, Ave Sarapuu, Marek Mooste, Maike Käärik, Uno Mäeorg, Arvo Kikas, Vambola Kisand, Jekaterina Kozlova, Alexey Treshchalov, Jaan Aruväli, Jaan Leis, Aile Tamm, Kaido Tammeveski, Electroreduction of oxygen on transition metal-and nitrogen-doped carbon catalysts prepared from rapeseed press cake” , University of Tartu.
P33 Meeri Arujõe-Sado, Alla Troska-Palla, Anu Ploom, ”Structural effects in AZA-peptide bond formation reaction”, University of Tartu
P34 Naila Nasirova, Darja Lavogina, Tanel Sõrmus, Taavo Tähtjärv, Erki Enkvist, Kaido Viht, Tõiv Haljasorg, Koit Herodes, Jana Jaal, Asko Uri, ”Conjugates of adenosine mimetics and arginine-rich peptides as inhibitors and fluorescent probes for protein arginine methyltransferases”, University of Tartu.
P35 Elyad Damerchi, Sergei Vlassov, Boris Polyakov, Aleksandrs Novikovs, Madara Leimane, Kevon Kadiwala, Martin Zybkins, Edgars Butanovs, Sven Oras, Veronika Zadin, “Comparison of the resistivities of nanostructured films made from silver, copper-silver and copper nanoparticle and nanowire suspensions”, University of Tartu.
P36 Idil Mengü, K.Muska, M.Pilvet, V.Mikli, M.Kauk-Kuusik, J.Krustok, M.Grossberg-Kuusk,”Investigation of the order-disorder transition in (Cu,Ag)2ZnSn(S,Se)4 monograin powders”, Tallinn University of Technology.
P37 Rohit Kumar, Marek Mooste, Ivar Zekker, Srinu Akula, Maike Käärik, Jaan Leis, Arvo Kikas, Aexey Treshchalov, Markus Otsus, Jaan Aruväli, Vambola Kisand, Aile Tamm, Kaido Tammeveski, ”Transition metal and ZIF-8 co-doped carbon nanotube catalysts for oxygen reduction in alkaline solution”, University of Tartu.
P38 Harleen Kaur, Merilin Rosenberg, Mati Kook, Dmytro Danilian, Vambola Kisand, Angela Ivask, ”Antibacterial activity of solid surfaces is critically dependent of relative humidity, inoculum volume and organic soiling” , University of Tartu.
P39 John Paulo Samin, Jaan Saame, Agnes Heering, Ivo Leito, ”Unified pHABS measurements of acid solutions in low-polarity solvent, 1,2 dichloroethane”, University of Tartu.
P40 Raegan Danielle Chambers, Heiki Erikson, Kaido Tammeveski, ”The effect of heteroatom-doped graphene supports on PtNPs electrocatalytic activity for ORR”, University of Tartu.
P41 Arpan Chatterjee, Stefan Groote, “A modern shape for the non-local Nambu Jona –Lasinio model”, University of Tartu.
P42 Maria Naeem, Stefan Groote, Lauri Kaldmäe, “Identical particle and lepton mass effects in the decay of the Higgs boson into four tau leptons via two off-shell Z  bosons”, University of Tartu.


Ruhany S. Azeez, Kaia Tõnsuaadu, Andres Trikkel, ”Kinetics of Estonian phosphorite dissolution in hydrochloric asid”, Tallinn Univesity of Technology.


DAY 2; May 24, 2023

Chairman   Oral presentations
Ove Oll,

Rainer Pärna,

Piret Pikma

9:30-9:50 Mahsa Amiri, Peyman Taheri, Tanel Tätte, Alexander Vanetsev, Nadezda Kongi “Selective CO2 photoelectrochemical reduction to formate on ultra –thin defective TiO2 films”, University of Tartu.
9:50-10:10 Tatsiana Jarg, Elina Suut-Tuule, Priit Tikker, Ketren-Marlein Lootus, Jevgenija Martõnova, Lukas Ustrnul, Elina Kalenius, Dzmitry Kananovich, Riina Aav ,Chromato –mass spectrometric analysis and binding studies of cyclohexnohemicucuribit[8]urils”, Tallinn University of Technology.
10:10-10:30 Ernesto De Jesus Zapata Flores, Nguyen Kim Ngan Bui, Koit Herodes, Ivo Leito, Sigrid Selberg, ”Comparison of two azobenziene-based amino acid derivatization reagents for LC-MS/MS analysis in positive and negative ESI models”, University of Tartu
10:30-11:00 Coffee+ POSTER SESSION
11:00-11:20 Kait Kaarel Puss, Mart Loog, Siim Salmar, Modular application of ultrasound in
forest biorefinery”
, University of Tartu.
11:20-11:40 Henry Vider, Siim Salmar, ”Towards controlled fractionation of biorefinery hydrolysis lignin ” , University of Tartu.
11:40-12:00 Martin Jantson, Kerli Liivand, Tobias Eisenmann, Ivar Kruusenberg, Dominic Bresser, The economic potential of recycling lithium-ion battaries”, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics.


Akmal Kosimov, Nadezda Kongi, “Scalable production of Fe-N-C electrocatalyst via template-assisted mechanosynthesis leading to superior energy efficiency and sustainability”, University of Tartu.
12:20-12:40 Patrick Teppor, Rutha Jäger, Jaak Nerut, Olga Volobujeva, Miriam Koppel, Rasmus Palm, Martin Månsson, Jaan Aruväli, Enn Lust, ”High-performance platinum-free oxygen reduction catalysts with outstanding porosity using hydroxyapatite as a hard template”, University of Tartu.
  12.40 13.40 LUNCH
Malle Krunks,

Enn Lust

13:40-14:00 Tatsiana Nikonovich, Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju, Kamini Mishra, Tatsiana Jarg, Artjom Kudrjašov, Marina Kudrjašova, Dzmitry Kananovich, Riina Aav, ”Adapting mechanochemical C-N bond forming reactions for greener synthesis of pharmaceuticals”,Tallinn University of Technology.


14:00-14:20 Riho Rästa, Ivo Heinmaa, Kenta Kimura, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Raivo Stern, 31P 65,63Cu NMR study of isostructural compounds A(BO)Cu4(PO4)4 (AB=BaTi,PbTi,SrTi, KNb)”, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics.
14:20-14:40 Yogesh Kumar, Elo-Kibena Põldsepp, Marek Mooste, Jekaterina Kozlova, Arvo Kikas, Jaan Aruväli, Maike Käärik, Vambola Kisand, Jaan Leis, Aile Tamm, Steven Holdcroft, Jose H.Zagal, Kaido Tammeveski, ”Effect of carbon supports in mixed phthalocyanine-modified catalysts for oxygen electrocatalysis”, University of Tartu.
14:40-15:00 Elena E.Vinogradova, E.A. Vagapova, L.Dolgov, A.Pištšev, Yu. V.Orlovskii, ”Site-selective time resolved laser spectroscopy and DFT study of Nd3+ optical centers in BaF2 Nd3+doped crystals”, University of Tartu.
15:00-15:20 Mihkel Kotli, Geven Piir, Uko Maran, ”Pesticide toxicity in earthworms explained

by interpretable machine learning”, University of Tartu.

15:20-15:40 Jonas Mart Linge, Valentin Briega-Martos, Andreas Hutzler, Heiki Erikson, Marek Mooste, Helle-Mai Piirsoo, Tiit Kaljuvee, Arvo Kikas, Jaan Aruväli, Vambola Kisand,Aile Tamm, Arunachala M.Kannan, Kaido Tammeveski, Serhiy Cherevko, “Silver nanoparticles on mesoporous carbon supports as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction”, University of Tartu.
15:40-16:00 Markus Otsus, Gunta Kunakova, Taivo Jõgiaas, Donats Erts, Jekaterina Kozlova, Kaupo Kukli, Aile Tamm, “Superconductivity in chromium oxide thin films embedding silver, University of Tartu.
16:30-17:00 Closing of the Conference , COFFEE, Discussions