

märts 07

FMTDK teaduskonverents 2017



10.00-10.40 Osavõtjate registreerimine. Hommikukohv

Konverentsi juhatavad: prof Tõnu Laas ja prof Enn Lust

10.40-11.00 (1)
 Maido Merisalu, H-M.Piirsoo, Kaspar Roosalu, Aivar Tarre, Taivo Jõgiaas, I.Iakubivskyi, Erik Ilbis, Andris Slavinskis, Väino Sammelselg, TÜFI. “Corrosion testing in space”.

11.00-11.20 (2)
Ott Kekišev, Jaak Järv, Peeter Burk, TÜKI. “Gas-phase basicity as a measure of strain in alkenes”

11.20-11.40 (3)  
Mare Oja, Uko Maran, TÜKI. “pH- Specific prediction models for membrane permeability”

11.40-12.00 (4)
Ove Korjus, J.Aruväli, K.Kirsimäe, I.Kivi, G. Nurk, TÜKI. ”In operando electrochemical high-temperature X-rey diffraction study of Ni-Ce0.9Cd0.1O2-d   redox properties”

12.00-13.00  Andres Koppel, Eesti Teadusagentuur “Research funding in Estonia : aerial and ground view”




Konverentsi juhatavad: prof Tõnu Laas ja prof Enn Lust

15.00-15.20 (5)
Siim Kukk, Jaak Järv, TÜKI. “Different binding mechanisms of dopamine transporter inhibitors”

15.20-15.40 (6)
Ove Oll, Erik Anderson, Carolin Siimenson, Georg Gorbatovski, Enn Lust, TÜKI. “Specific adsorption from an ionic liquid: in situ STM and impedance study of the interfacial structuring at bi single crystal planes”

15.40-16.00 (7)
Sajid Hussain, Heiki Erikson, Nadezda Kongi, Maido Merisalu, Peeter Ritslaid, Väino Sammelselg, Kaido Tammeveski, TÜKI.”ORR activity of heat-treated Pt nanoparticles sputter deposited on multi-walled carbon nanotubes”

16.00-16.20  (8)
Mikk Antsov, Leonid Dorogin, Boris Polyakov, Sergei Vlassov, TÜFI. “Study of mechanical properties of 1D and 2D gold nanostructures supported by FEM simulation”


17.00-17.20 (9)
Andrei Goronovski, Alan H. Tkaczyk, TÜFI.Application of bauxite residue as a secondary raw material: radiological aspects”

17.20-17.40 (10)
David Navidad Maeso, Marco Patriarca, Els Heinsalu, TLÜ, KBFI. ”Emerging diversity and competition success in dispersal-structured  populations”

17.40-18.00 (11)
Berit Väli, Jana Paju, Tõnu Laas, Veroonika Shirkova, Katrin Laas, TLÜ ”The impact of combined regimes of extreme heat load irradiation on the surface of duble forged tungsten”




Konverentsi juhatavad: prof Jaak Kikas ja dr Raivo Stern

9.00-9.20 (12)
Katre Juganson, Monika Mortimer, A.Ivask, S. Pucciarelli, C. Miceli, K. Orupõld, A. Kahru,  KBFI, TTÜ “Ag-ions play the main role in silver nanoparticles toxicity in the Ciliate Tetrahymena Thermophilia”

9.20- 9.40 (13)
Maria Fomitšenko, Sandra Kaabel , Karin Kreekmann, Madli Trunin, Ivar Järving, Riina Aav, TTÜ. “Uv –analysis of microcyclic and linear oligomers of hemicucurbiturils”

9.40-10.00 (14)
Kaspar Kallip, Marc Leparoux, Khaled A .AlOgab, Steve Clerc, Guillaume Deguilhem, Yadira Arroyo, Hansang Kwon,  TTÜ. “Investigation of different carbon nanotube reinforcements for fabricating bulk AlMg5 matrix nanocomposites”

10.00- 11.00 STENDIETTEKANDED, KOHVIPAUS 10.00-10.20                                             

Konverentsi juhatavad: prof Jaak Kikas ja dr Raivo Stern

11.00-11.20 (15)
Merike Kriisa, Malle Krunks, Ilona Oja Acik, Erki Kärber, Valdek Mikli,  TTÜ. “The effect of tartaric acid in the deposition of Sb2S3 films by chemical spray pyrolysis”

11.20-11.40 (16)
Natalja Pronina, D. Klauson, S. Kamenev, I.Kamenev, T. Rudenko, K. Künnis-Beres, A. Moiseev, M. Krichevskaya , TTÜ”Degradation of environmentally toxic refractory compounds in suspended-bed reactor by photocatalytic oxidation and combination of biological treatment with photocatalysis”

12.00-12.20 (17)
V. Vassiljeva (Gudkova), A. Krumme, T. Märtson, M. Rikko, E. Tarasova, N. Savest, M. ViirsaluTTÜ. „ 1- Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride assisted electrospinning of SAN/ MWCNTs conductive reinforced composite membranes”

12.20.-12.40 (18)
Sirli Rosenvald, Baoru Yang,  TTÜ.” Correlation of GC-O and sensory data of Finnish honeys – overview of statistical methods”

12.40-13.00 (19)
Jelena Maricheva, Sergei Bereznev, Natalia Maticiuc, Olga Volobujeva, Julia Kois , TTÜ. „Electrodeposited nanostructured CdSe/CdS matrix for hybrid solar cells”


Konverentsi juhatavad: prof Enn Lust ja prof Jaak Kikas

14.00-14.20  (20)
Agnes Heering, Ivo Leito , TÜKI. “Unified pH liquid chromatography mobile phases”

14.20-14.40 (21)
Marko Eltermann, Sven Lange, Valter Kiisk, Raivo Jaaniso TÜFI.“ Detecting trace amounts of oxygen in gas atmosphere using an optical TiO2 based sensor”   

14.40-15.00 (22)
Laurits Puust, Valter Kiisk, Alexander Vanetsev, Ilmo Sildos, TÜFI. “Water soluble afterglowing zirconia nanoparticles for photoimaging of biosystems”

15.00-15.20 (23)
Magnus Mets, Vahur Zadin, Mikk Antsov, Alvo Aabloo, Rünno Lõhmus, Sergei Vlassov, TÜFI, TÜTI. ”Structural influence of elastic properties of fivefold twinned nanowires”

15.20-15.40 (24)  
Sunjai Nakshatharan, Andres Punning, Alvo Aabloo, TÜTI. “Electromechanical modelling of ionic electroactive polymer actuators”

15.40-15.50  prof Enn Lust, FMTDK nõukogu esimees. Konverentsi lõpetamine

15.50-16.20 KOHVIPAUS, arutelud, konverentsi lõpetamine