Tartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA Funktsionaalsete materjalide ja tehnoloogiate doktorikool (FMTDK). Loeng -seminar 28.05.2019 CHEMICUM,Ravila 14.a aud. 1020, algusega kell 12.15 Prof Laurence Harwood and dr Christopher Smith, Department of Chemistry, University of Reading, UK Programm: 12.15 Prof. L. Harwood “Separating Minor Actinides from Lanthanides: Solution Phase versus Immobilized Ligands” 13.15 Dr. …
Päevane Arhiiv: 15. mai 2019
mai 15
Prof VladimírŠindeláři loeng “Bambusuril macrocycles: synthesis, host-guest chemistry and applications”
ASTRA “TUT Institutional Development Program for 2016-2022” GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES (FMTDK) Guest lecture on “Bambusuril macrocycles: synthesis, host-guest chemistry and applications” Prof VladimírŠindelář Department of Chemistry Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Date: 27.05.2019 Location: Tallinn University of Technology Room: SCI-109 Time: …