October 3, 2019 11:00–15:00 Jakobi 2–226, Tartu INTRODUCTION TO THE WORLD OF RESEARCH FUNDING University of Tartu graduate/doctoral schools’ orientation session University of Tartu graduate/doctoral schools hold an orientation session on October 3, 2019, that aims to give our doctoral students a better understanding of funding resources available after receiving their PhD as well as …
Igakuine Arhiiv: september 2019
sept. 17
Grant Writing Workshop: How to Write a Competitive Application to a Funding Agency
ASTRA “TUT Institutional Development Program for 2016-2022” GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES (FMTDK) Grant Writing Workshop: How to Write a Competitive Application to a Funding Agency Prof Roger Coulombe, Utah State University Date: 23.09.2019 – 26.09.2019 Location: Tallinn University of Technology Room: U06A-442 Time: 9:00-16:00 Programm Discussions and consultations with FMTDK PhD students …
sept. 17
Guest lecture on “Joint Estonian-Finish Beamline FinEstBeAMS and Challenging Research Opportunities for Estonian Scientists at MAX-IV Lab”
ASTRA “TUT Institutional Development Program for 2016-2022” GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES (FMTDK) Guest lecture on “Joint Estonian-Finish Beamline FinEstBeAMS and Challenging Research Opportunities for Estonian Scientists at MAX-IV Lab” Prof Marco Kirm, University of Tartu Date: 20.09.2019 Location: Tallinn University of Technology Room: U06A-201 Time: 14:00 Abstract: Researchers from University of Tartu …
sept. 05
Prof Joanna Pawlat’i loeng-seminar teemal “Low Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas for Medicine, Agriculture and Food Industry”
Prof Joanna Pawlat (Lublin University of Technology, Poland) peab loeng –seminari teemal “Low Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas for Medicine, Agriculture and Food Industry” 05.09.2019 kell 16.00 Tartu Ülikooli füüsika instituudis (Physicum), W.Ostwaldi 1, Tartus auditooriumis B103. Konsultatsioonid FMTDK doktorantidele ja juhendajatele TÜ füüsika instituudi plasmafüüsika ja kiletehnoloogia laboris 04.09.-07.09.2019. Info: dr Lilli Paama lilli.paama@ut.ee dr Indrek …