Tartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA Funktsionaalsete materjalide ja tehnoloogiate doktorikool (FMTDK) FMTDK loeng -seminar Dr. SHUBASH CHANDRA SINGHAL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, USA “Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology and it`s Commercialization” 29.11.2019 kell 10.15 Ravila 14a, Chemicum, aud.1020 11.30-12.30 KOHVIPAUS, diskussioonid 12.30-15.30 konsultatsioonid SOFC tehnoloogiast ruum 5041. Doktorikooli ja SOFC tehnoloogiat populariseeriv …
Igakuine Arhiiv: november 2019
nov. 24
FMTDK teaduskonverents 2020
FMTDK teaduskonverents 2020 toimub hotellis Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel, Tallinnas, 04.-05.02.2020 Hotelli aadress Toompuiestee 27, Tallinn. Registreeru konverentsile 25.11.2019-13.01.2020 siin. —————— The next conference of GSFMT will take place in Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel, Tallinn, 04.-05.02.2020. Address of the hotel is Toompuiestee 27, Tallinn. Register …
nov. 20
Joint International Seminar Tartu University and Hue University, Vietnam
Tartu University ASTRA project PER ASPERA Graduate School of Functional Materials and Technologies (GSFMT) and Doctoral School of Earth Science and Ecology (DSESE) Thursday Nov 28, 2019 in Chemicum (Ravila 14a), aud. 1019 Program 10.00 Opening and greetings Prof Marco Kirm “Estonian Contribution to the Large Scale Facilities and Research Opportunities in MAX IV Lab …
nov. 05
SEMINAR Frontiers in Organic Synthesis
SEMINAR Frontiers in Organic Synthesis Dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Margus Lopp Friday, 15 Nov 2019 Akadeemia tee 15 TALLINN (Loodusteaduste maja), SCI-109 9:00 Arrival. Coffee 10:00 Introduction 10:10 Mendoza Abraham Group Leader, Stockholm University, Sweden ASYMMETRIC SYNTHESIS WITH CHIRAL CARBON-ATOM PRECURSORS 11.00 Mikk Kaasik PhD Student, Tallinn University of Technology TRIAZOLE-BASED …