

juuni 10

GSFMT guest lectures

Dear Colleagues,

You are welcome to attend GSFMT guest lectures:


1) Prof Vilma Kaskoniene, Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lithuania,

“Bee products for food and human health”

Date:    14.06.2022

Time:  10:00
Teams:   Click here to join the meeting


2) Prof. Andrei Malkov, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

„Electrochemical Synthesis: From Hydrocarboxylation of Alkenes to Coupling of Arenes”

Date:    14.06.2022

Time:    16:00

Room: SCI-109 (Tallinn University of Technology)

Zoom: Zoom


3) Prof. Yoji Kobayashi, Associate Professor, Chemistry, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Date:    05.07.2022

Time:    11:00

Room: 109 (KBFI, Akadeemia tee 23)



The lectures are organized by the Graduate School of Functional Materials and Technologies created under the auspices of the European Regional Development Fund (ASTRA “TTÜ arenguprogramm aastateks 2016-2022”, project: 2014-2020.4.01.16-0032).