Päevane Arhiiv: 1. nov. 2021

nov. 01

Guest lecture: Prof Henrik Munch Roager “Diet -microbiota interactions as modulators of human metabolism”

ASTRA “TUT Institutional Development Program for 2016-2022” GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES (GSFMT)   Guest lecture Prof. Henrik Munch Roager, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, “Diet -microbiota interactions as modulators of human metabolism”   Date:    02.11.2021 Zoom:    https://zoom.us/j/91443205283?pwd=MklWcVFSMEFZYTYxNkIxMUNUaVo1UT09 Time:    15:00   Further information: Ilona Oja Acik, ilona.oja@ttu.ee, …

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nov. 01

Guest lecture: Prof. Miguel de la Guardia Cirugeda “Smoking. An Analytical Chemistry Perspective”

ASTRA “TUT Institutional Development Program for 2016-2022” GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES (GSFMT) Guest lecture: Prof. Miguel de la Guardia Cirugeda, University of Valencia, “Smoking. An Analytical Chemistry Perspective” Date:     29.10.2021 Location:      Tallinn University of Technology Room:           SCI-109 Time:             14:00   Further information: Ilona Oja Acik, ilona.oja@ttu.ee, 6203369